Tuesday, March 12, 2013

One Minute Can Make a Big Difference

parking ticket

The parking ticket on the left: 2 hours 1 minute, on the right: 59 minutes

When I saw the parking ticket on the left, my mind was filled with thoughts such as:

I should have walked faster just now

I should not have gone to the toilet

I could have driven the car a bit faster to get to the locket

I wished the car in front of me paid for the parking just a bit faster

One extra minute costing Rp 3,000 and a lot of anguish!


When I got the parking ticket on the right, my mind was filled with thoughts such as:

I was so glad that I had walked faster and not stopping at any other stores

I was so glad I bought things quickly and efficiently

I was glad that we parked close to the door

One spare minute saved Rp 3,000 and a lot of gratitude!


Sometimes I wonder how one minute can create so much difference, so different feelings and reactions.

The amount of money involved here is the same, Rp 3,000 (USD 0.30), but we tend to be more concerned with the value instead of the amount. In the first instance, it was paying Rp 3,000 for 1 minute, instead of 60 minutes, and it felt so expensive. In the second instance, it was paying Rp 3,000 for 59 minutes, and it felt worthwhile.

Are you getting the best value for your money? What are you going to do in one minute to make a difference in your life?

Learn and Grow!

Inge Santoso, B. Com, CFP®

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